The parrot was caged. Now the priest declared that all great literature was to be transcribed on bits of paper and fed to the parrot to impart it wisdom. Scribes from all over the world were set to task. Once the work was over, they were paid enough to feed their next few generations. The parrot didn’t seem to be liking the cage and was restless, so barbers were called to chip its wings and they too went home rich.
By now the area around the palace had become like a fair ground as food-sellers, entertainers and their ilk fishing their fortunes as people thronged to see the bird! One day king thought to apprise himself of the progress made by the parrot. On visiting the fair ground, he was satisfied to see that parrot had become a crowd puller. He returned happy.
By now pundits and scribes had started feeding the poor bird scraps of wisdom. It couldn’t fly, couldn’t speak and the air was so thick with the people that it couldn’t even breathe! But they continued to stuff paper into it, till the bird finally died!
Undaunted, the pundit took the parrot in a grand procession to the king. Happy to see the huge gathering, the king poked the parrot to hear it speak. But nothing happened. “Why pundit, the parrot still doesn’t speak?”. The Pundit replied “Ah my lord, she is now so well educated that she doesn’t need to SPEAK!” And the king mighty pleased returned to his chamber convinced that he made one parrot SPEAK!
In a very similar situation, the founders of our educational institutions get rich. The teachers, who take tuitions, get rich. The uniform makers, the textbook walas, the school inspector, the examination board inspectors all get rich. But no one bothers about the poor student who lies brain dead in the midst of it all. Yet, they boast about their pseudo achievement of imparting proper education. It is a pathetic state of our educational system but its true.
The prime motto of those involved with education industry is minting money. No one is bothered whether the student is able to grasp the teachings properly or to ensure the quality of teachings. Take for example, numerous pvt professional colleges who just take in student and don’t think about their future and the quality input.
It is imperative that we have a paradigm shift in education sector. We need such people who value PEOPLE over PROFITS!!!
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nice one !! rabindranath's story is so prophetic!!!
aap to kavi ban gye sir great post
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